Friday, 25 April 2014

Blue jay-Dark

The blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata, is a perching bird of the crow family, Corvidae, and is common in southern Canada and the United States east of the Rocky mountains. The adult jay is nearly 30 cm (12 in) long. It has a prominent crest and is bright blue above, with white and black markings and a narrow black collar, and mostly white below. A handsome, noisy bird, the jay is sometimes resented by humans for its aggressiveness in driving other birds away. It feeds on insects, nuts, and seeds but also, sometimes, on eggs or even nestlings.

» Length: 10 inches
» Black sturdy bill
» Blue crest and upperparts
» Black eyeline and breastband
» Grayish-white throat and underparts
» Bright blue wings with black bars and white patches
» Long blue tail with black bars and white corners
» Dark legs
» Migrates during the day in small flocks