Friday 25 April 2014


Unmated male mockingbirds sing more than mated ones. Both sexes sing in the fall to claim winter feeding territories. These areas are often different than their spring breeding territories. Mockingbirds mimic other bird’s songs. They have also been known to imitate other sounds they hear such as rusty hinges, whistling and dogs barking. It is thought that the wing-flashing they do helps to flush insects and confuse predators.Mockingbirds often form long-term pair bonds. Mockingbirds vigorously defend their territory against many other species including dogs, cats and man! Female mockingbirds often build a new nest while the males finish feeding older fledglings and teaching them to fly. Scientists have found that female mockingbirds are attracted to males that can make the most different sounds. Mockingbirds are the state bird of Texas and one of the few birds found in every kind of habitat, from desert to forest to city. Mockingbirds are thought to raise and lower their wings in order to scare up a meal of insects, frighten snakes and impress their mates.
» Abundance: Common urban bird
» Length: 10 inches
» Weight: 1ѕ ounces
» Wing Span: 14 inches
» General description: Diurnal, omnivore, altricial. Mockingbirds are medium sized birds, gray above and pale below. They have white wing patches and outer tail feathers, slender black beaks and legs.
» Diet: Insects, friut, crustaceans and small vertebrates